A server-less Linux virtual environment running fully browser-side HTML5/WebAssembly.

WebVM is powered by the CheerpX virtualization engine, which enables safe,  sandboxed client-side execution of x86 binaries on any browser.

CheerpX is powered by an x86 to WebAssembly binary translation JIT compiler, a virtual block-based file system, and a Linux syscall emulator. It supports full TCP and UDP networking via a Tailscale integration.

Work on WebVM and on the CheerpX technology is actively ongoing.



CheerpX 101

Two-tiered execution engine

Interpreter that does code discovery + bookeeping to allow to efficiently pass hot code to the JIT.

x86→Wasm JIT, in WebAssembly

CheerpX JIT engine, a WebAssembly module that compiles new Webassembly modules.

Emulate devices or system calls

CheerpX emulates system calls or device access using Web APIs and browser functions.

General purpose platform technology

CheerpX can be used to run single x86 application, or full systems.


Tell me more

If you are curious and want to know more, stay tuned, or get in touch!